Issue 15                                                                                                                                                    June 1, 2022

JUNE 2022

The Newsletter of Jones Chapel United Methodist Church


June 19

“It was You who set all the boundaries of the earth; You made both summer and winter.” Psalm 74:17


Viola Underdown Larry Rowland
Bill & Terry Aikens Beth Heaton Annual Conference Brianna Winters Maynard Wilson Dan Kizer

Clifford Lowe
Bo Shugart
Ann Waldrop
Louise Wattenbarger                            Tammy Barker
Coach McPhail’s family                                                                                                                                                                                            Roger Robertson                                  
Hubert Wilson

Karen Rodgers                                     Roger Taylor
Peggy Self
Crowder Family             
                       Savannah Blair
Rodney Kiser
Sandy Lambert                                     
Pickel Family
Jake Duggan
Mary Lou Haynes                                 
Sally Curtis
Cheryl, Joy, Renee, Janie, Ramos 
Pastor Brad & Jenny                            
Judy & Gene Webster
Tyler Bain
Clayton Clenden
Dot Humphrey
Ruth Turner
Ukraine war
Ann Underdown
Justin Coleman
Alberta Williams Family
Frank Clark
Steve Davis
Wanda Davis
Grace Trew

Mallory Arp

Jeff Ward
Kim Babb
Darlene Cooper
Judy Brewster
Jerry Low
Abby Hardin
Amanda Farris
All moving pastors
Leonard Waldrop
Megan Barker
Steve Medley
Marty Hochertz
Rodney Kiser
Area Opioid Crisis
William Daughtry
Claude’s friend
Judy Watkins
Angie Moses
Tim Crabtree
Jane’s friend’s mother 
Shelly McAllister
Unspoken requests
Jay Boatman
Our Church/Israel
Our Nation/Leaders/Military 
Jenny Self
Carl Ledford
Stacey & Doug
Traveling safety
Diann Gibson
Chad Smith
Angie Moses

“ O LORD,” I prayed, “have mercy on me. Heal me, for I have sinned against you.”            Psalm 41:4 NLT


June 21


Pastor Brad’s Scribbles:

Pentecost Sunday is June 5th this year (50 days after Easter) and marks the beginning of the Christian Church. The disciples had been trying to make sense of Jesus’ resurrection appearances and His ascension. As Jesus is departing from them, He promises an advocate who would come to dwell among them. As the disciples were all together in one place, the Spirit descended upon them, and they began to speak in different languages, so that those gathered from around the known world could understand in their native tongue. It is in this moment that the disciples become apostles, those who are sent out. It is the Spirit, then, that empowers and sends disciples into the world.

June 5-8 is the time for Holston Annual Conference to be held at Lake Junaluska, NC. David Riden is the delegate from this charge. Many issues will be brought up and voted on this year. Please be in prayer for the delegates to make the right decisions. David will give a report later of what happened.

On June 5th at annual conference, I will be ordained as an Elder in the church. This has been a long journey with seminary and my Provisional Elder time. I feel very blessed to be ordained. If you would like to come, the service begins at 7:45.

June 12 will be my last Sunday to preach here. I am very thankful for my three years here. Because of the Pandemic, we weren’t able to accomplish all the ministries that I had hoped, but I am thankful for those things we were able to do. Rev. Bert Beria will be your new pastor. He and Leslye are no strangers around here. This is their home church. I am sure that they will have a great ministry here.

On June 13, Jenny and I will load a U-Haul truck and head north. Our new church will be Salem UMC located near Kingsport. Our new address if you would like to write to us is 5230 Bloomingdale Rd. Blountville, TN 37617. Please be in prayer for us as we embark on this new journey.

The Holy Spirit sends us into the world both as communities of faith and as individuals. It can be both exciting and frightening to be sent into the world to serve. But, we trust that the Spirit goes ahead of us, is with us, and will abide with us. Thanks be to God for the work that we are called and empowered to do!

Always remember that God loves you, and Jenny and I love you. God is good and faithful to his promises. He has a plan for all of us, and we must be obedient and live in His plan. God be with you until we meet again. Hope to see you Sunday!                    Blessings, Pastor Brad

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Relay for Life, and to Pastor Brad and Jenny for procuring so many wonderful items for the Silent Action! We couldn’t have done it without all of you!

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June Church Notes:

  • *  Sunday Eve. Worship starts at 6 PM in the Chapel. Not this month.

  • *  Wed. Night Bible Study 6 PM in the Chapel. None this month.

  • *  Pastor Brad’s last Sunday with us is June 12! We will miss them both so much!

  • *  June 27, Wesleyanna-Jones Chapel monthly meal 6 PM.

  • *  Please remember to bring Blessing Box items anytime.

  • *  2nd Qtr. Mission Offering- Morning Star Ministries

  • *  Any inspirational items you may have for the Newsletter, please give to Pastor Brad, Perry, or Leslye. Or text to Leslye at 423-506-4139. Text me your favorite Bible Verse, also. Thank you to those who have sent items.

  • *  Any church questions, Pastor Brad. Financial questions, Kim Farris.

    The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him ... the love of the Lord remains forever with those who fear him. His salvation extends to the children’s children. Psalm 103:13, 17


    12  Bo Shugart                                                                                                               12  Pastor Brad                                                                                                          15  Cheydon Buckner                                                                                               16  Olice Stone


    16  Don & Tammy Barker

    How a dreaded holiday became a happy one, thanks to the healing power of God's love.
    by Marion Bond West From 

    My soul is crushed with longing. Psalm 119:20

    Growing up in Elberton, Georgia, my childhood was happy, except for one particular holiday. I dreaded it, pretended it didn’t exist, tried to ignore it. But no matter what I did, a secret longing remained in my heart: You can’t celebrate Father’s Day. Your father’s dead. You don’t even have a real memory of him.

    As an adult I still couldn’t come to terms with that longing. I still wanted to celebrate Father’s Day with my own daddy.
    Then, a few years ago, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution invited readers 
    to submit memories of their father’s shoes and what the shoes had meant to them as children. My memory was as real as if it had happened yesterday.

    I was about eight and accidentally discovered a pair of my father’s shoes hidden way back in my mother’s closet. My paper dolls suddenly forgotten, I touched the dusty shoes tenderly, examined them thoroughly in the sunlight, laced and unlaced them, and finally cradled one in each arm.

    I mailed my memory to the newspaper because it satisfied something in me that I didn’t fully understand. Lo and behold, the newspaper sent a photographer to my house. He took pictures of me holding an eight-by- ten photograph of the father I’d never known.

    That Father’s Day, I crept out before sunrise and found our newspaper in the driveway. There, in living color, was a picture of me with my father.

    And, for the first time, I genuinely celebrated Father’s Day.

    Father, Your unexpected ways of healing are as remarkable as Your indescribable love. Amen!

    We have all lost loved ones at some point in our lives. Whether mother, father, sister, brother, husband, grandparent or friend, we have lost a love. We may cry, scream, or maybe yell at God. But He is God, a very big God, our great and mighty God. And He can take it! He understands! He knows our every sadness and sorrow, and He feels it all. He feels our pain! God being God can turn that sadness, sorrow, and pain into joy. He can and will heal our hearts. We never forget and we will always feel the loss but God loves us so very much and He wants us to put our focus on living for Him: on loving Him, serving Him, and worshiping Him. And in doing that our hearts will fill up to overflowing with all God has for us, with abundant life and precious memories! Hallelujah and Praise the Lord!

    (Thinking of my father, Dean, who passed away on Father’s Day, June 21, 2020.) My father, my dad, was such a special man. Everyone loved him and I miss him so very much. Leslye


      Pastor Brad Brown (Jenny)

      Services: 590 County Road 778, Athens, TN 37303

      Parsonage: 381 CountyRoad 775, Riceville, TN 37370 423-306-0702                                                                 


      Items underlined are links for email and online newsletter info. Click on the links.



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